Our project this month was the second step of out basket band for our Garden of Delights in a Basket. See more here at our July meeting.

At the top of the diagram is the bargello section from July. This month was crewel stitching. We are adding our initials (seen upside down on the bottom of the diagram) and stitching the flower on the upper left in crewel also. Each of the remaining three flowers will be stitched using a different technique.
Mary P. had the basting and the bargello completed. Georgette has planned the band to have several different techniques so that we can try a new stitch and decide if we like it without committing to a large project.
We also discussed how to adjust the band design to fit different size baskets.
Some of our members also brought in some show and tell. I forgot my good camera and had to use my phone camera so please excuse the picture quality.

The left is also Darlene's work. This is a ribbon embroidery tree from the ANG magazine done by her at Sunkissed ANG in LaVerne and framed by Kerry Ince at We, Of The Needle in Brea.
Our next meeting will be October 17 at 7:00 PM. We meet at the US Bank building at 333 North Euclid Avenue, Ontario, CA 91762 in the community room by the rear parking lot. The door opens about 6:30. Any one interested in needlework is welcome. This will be our last regular meeting of the year as we do not have a November meeting and our December meeting/holiday party will be December 5.