We had even more reason to be happy because Pat C. taught the remainder of the Hapsburg Lace project. Her notes are posted below.
1. Discuss supplies required. Stretcher bars must be used. Must use mono canvas for eyelets. Discuss method of attaching to bars. Mount on top of bars…better to use tacks
2. Locate
starting point on canvas. Decide if want
to do finishing as described on page 21/22.
Tanya finishes as runner/mat.
3. Terminology: Tanya uses term “double cross stitch” (dcs)
and long arm double cross stitch (ldcs).
Double cross stitch is also called “Smyrna”. Essential point for dcs is last stitch always
vertical or horizontal (US stitchers usually place top stitch on horizontal). Ldcs top stitch is always slanted in same
diagonal direction.
4. Page
2, diagram 2c. On drop down double cross
stitch (dcs), change sequence of numbering:
instead of 41-42, reverse the order to 42-41. The path from her 40 to 41 is only over 1
thread and comes up in a “dirty” hole.
It also puts no tension on 39-40 and 40-41.
5. Count
and recount these stitches….all internal patterns depend on this accuracy.
6. Use
an awl, large tapestry needle, crochet hook…something round…to enlarge the
center hole in all eyelets.
7. Locate
position of first eyelet in each block containing eyelets. To ensure accurate counting, consider
“punching” the eyelet holes before beginning stitching. Much easier to count BEFORE stitching. Enlarge hole more than you think required as
they will tend to close up. As you do
each eyelet, punch the hole again…and you may need to do it more than once to
maintain a round hole. Punching breaks
sizing and saves your fingers!
8. Position
waste knot in line with eyelets just above holes. Make waste knot about 1 ½” long to the right
of the first eyelet
9. Page
4, diagram 4b. Reverse numbering on
eyelets. To keep center hole
clear….begin stitching at “23” and stitch in clockwise direction. When you stitch the last stitch, now “21”,
the drag to the first dcs keeps the pull on the eyelet center hole. When you stitch the lower dcs, reverse the top
stitch 39-40 to 40-39 to keep the tension on the stitch as you move to 41 on
the second eyelet. Once again, start the
eyelet with the “67 -68” stitch and move clockwise to clear the center hole as
you move from “65-66”.
You might consider starting the eyelets in
the top or bottom center, to provide even more clearance.
Try to keep the threads lined up side by
side in the center and not overlapping each other…this requires tension and
keeping the hole enlarged.
10. Scalloped
filling: Do not stop/start this in
middle of row. Use a long thread and use
back of eyelets to tie on/off.
11. Stem
stitch outline…..I learned this by using the tips of the eyelets as the
position for each stem stitch, and throwing the loop to the outside, not the
inside….”outline” stitch, not “stem stitch”.
12. If
an eyelet stands alone….tie on/off behind it.
13. Page
9….last line, 1st paragraph…..Change No. 8 to No. 12 perle cotton.
Long Armed Double Cross Stitch…it you’re
not planning to do the hem/finishing shown at the end of the instructions, you
can do these at any time. Watch carrying
thread from one the next, weaving behind eyelets and dcs.
14. An alternative to the Stem Outline Stitch is
to place a French knot at the tip of each spoke of the eyelet. Carol Costello used this on a number of her
- Always check and double check the size of perle coton to use for any section. She often uses both 12 and 8 in same block. Usually indicated by one of them in gray shading.
- Page 10…sequence of 1dcs…reverse top stitch for better pull…7/8 reverse to 8/7.
- Pg 12…Watch thread size here. Work cross stitch in sequence shown so carry on back is always the same. Reverse the 3/4 stitch for better pull
tighten 7/8 (gathering stitch) til bringing up needle at “6”. Note needle comes up one thread inside the
vertical laid thread at 7 and goes down inside at 8. Nudge vertical stitches aside to do this.
- Pg 13 – 13c
Reverse 19-20…see travel to
21….change direction of top stitches.
(NOTE: If you follow her sequence, there is
little/no tension on the top stitch before traveling to the next stitch. )
- Pg 14 – Pattern 8
Work partial eyelets at tip of each
16 spoke irregular eyelet as you come to it….from center of short spoke.
This is an area where you must
watch travel across open areas!
- Pg 16 ….leaf
Be VERY careful not to split into
5/6 as you come up to do 11/12.
- Pg 22.....Mitre the corner when you do fold back/stitching across the corner.
These were her notes for both her presentations and they do make sense when you are working on Hapsburg Lace Sampler by Tanja Berlin. If you need more help, come to a meeting or stitch in.
More news is that we have a project coming up being taught by Margaret Bendig for our October meeting.
It's our own Baldy View exclusive needle book!

It is stitched on 18-count canvas and uses many different stitches. The kit includes everything needed except the stretcher bars. It comes in two color choices - green and pink or red, white, and blue. The kit is $20.00 and the pattern is $15.00. However, Baldy View is covering $10.00 towards members' patterns so their cost is only $25.00. Let Georgette know if you want to participate at the September meeting or call her at 909-920-1931. Sign-ups close Thursday night September 17. Check the newsletter for more information.
Our program in September is a DVD of the Italian Embroidery Treasurers lecture given by Vima de Marchi Micheli at the EGA National Seminar in October 2014. She shared a lifetime of research about embroidery customs from all over Italy. And we'll have Helen's famous caramel corn popcorn!
We will be meeting again on Wednesday September 16 at the US Bank building at Euclid and D Street in downtown Ontario, California. Social time begins at 6:30 with the actual meeting beginning at 7:00. Our next stitch in will be Wednesday, September 23. Check the stitch in page above for more information.
These were her notes for both her presentations and they do make sense when you are working on Hapsburg Lace Sampler by Tanja Berlin. If you need more help, come to a meeting or stitch in.
More news is that we have a project coming up being taught by Margaret Bendig for our October meeting.
It's our own Baldy View exclusive needle book!

It is stitched on 18-count canvas and uses many different stitches. The kit includes everything needed except the stretcher bars. It comes in two color choices - green and pink or red, white, and blue. The kit is $20.00 and the pattern is $15.00. However, Baldy View is covering $10.00 towards members' patterns so their cost is only $25.00. Let Georgette know if you want to participate at the September meeting or call her at 909-920-1931. Sign-ups close Thursday night September 17. Check the newsletter for more information.
Our program in September is a DVD of the Italian Embroidery Treasurers lecture given by Vima de Marchi Micheli at the EGA National Seminar in October 2014. She shared a lifetime of research about embroidery customs from all over Italy. And we'll have Helen's famous caramel corn popcorn!
We will be meeting again on Wednesday September 16 at the US Bank building at Euclid and D Street in downtown Ontario, California. Social time begins at 6:30 with the actual meeting beginning at 7:00. Our next stitch in will be Wednesday, September 23. Check the stitch in page above for more information.